Oregonlive has been Kaine Horman's sock puppet / propaganda machine since the day Kyron Horman disappeared. They take every opportunity (at Kaine Horman's request) to point the finger at Terri Horman for Kyron Horman's disappearance on june 4, 2010.
Legislation in Oregon was introduced in response to the Casey Anthony case making it a felony for a parent to not report a child's death or disappearance within 24 hours of the child's death or disappearance. Lynne Terry of the tabloid Oregonlive and Kaine Horman is spinning this to involve Kyron and point their fingers at Terri Horman even though the legislation has absolutely NOTHING to do with Kyron Horman or his disappearance:
For one thing: Kyron was reported missing within 24 hours. Even if this unconstitutional feel good legislation was in affect when Kyron went missing, it would have nothing to do with Kyron Horman's disappearance or the case. Yet this does not stop Oregonlive or Kaine Horman from using it to gaslight Terri Horman and claim the legislation is due to Kyron Horman's disappearance. Kyron vanished during Kristina Porter's (Kyron's teacher) watch after Terri Horman left Kyron at school. On a normal (non science fair) day, Kyron would have ridden the school bus and the school district would have been responsible for him when he got on the school bus yet there are those who blame Terri claiming she should have walked Kyron into his classroom (what little boy would have wanted his mother to walk him into the class in front of his friends? - not many)
Even though Kaine Horman is under gag order by the family court to stop bad mouthing Terri , he still finds every way possible to point his finger at her and blame her for Kyron's disappearance. Kaine Horman had never acted like a parent with a missing child. He never questioned the school's responsibility, never searched for his son (just raised money in his name for his new truck and other toys) and never gave an account to the public where he was on june 4, 2010 between 8AM and 3PM. We have Terri's timeline but not Kaine's and not Desiree Young's (Kyron's birth mother) Kaine is the one who had money and motive to kidnap Kyron. Desiree had motive but probably not the money and Terri had neither money nor motive (unless she was rescuing Kyron from his dad's sexual abuse)
LynneTerry needs to be held accountable for her tabloid "journalism" and Oregonlive needs to decide whether they are going to continue to be a tabloid and a sock puppet for a dad who kidnapped his son and blaming his wife or whether they are going to try and become a respectable newspaper and report stories with integrity. Oregonlive has proven once again they are nothing more than a tabloid who will print whatever someone pays them in spite of it being a pack of lies. This is not journalism - it is propaganda. If Oregonlive and its parent company The Oregonian cannot be trusted to print the news, they should shut down and let journalists with integrity cover the news. Oregonlive and Lynne Terry are hirelings and will print whatever sells and whatever raises their page views in spite of the truth.
If the Multnomah County barney Fifes and Kaine Horman had not pulled their idiotic murder for hire sting attempt, Terri Horman would never have hired Houze and would have still been cooperating. She told them all she knew and the only reason they want to continue to grill her is to get a false confession so Kaine Horman could get away with abducting Kyron and gain 100% custody of Kiara (Kaine and Terri's daughter) When the book from Kaine's acquaintance or family member comes out in june, there will be few who would ever want him near their child and few who will believe he is innocent of kidnapping Kyron.
People close to Kaine need to tell him to publicly reappear Kyron and to apologize to the public for the lies he has told.
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