Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kyron Horman and Yashanee Vaughn --- Contrasts and contradictions (or is it just racist?)

Watching the search in Portland, Oregon for Yashanee Vaughn, the 14 year old girl who is missing and believe murdered by her 16 year old boyfriend, I can't help to see the contradictions and differences in the search for her versus the search for Kyron Horman.

According to Kaine Horman and Desiree Horman Young, Kyron's birth parents, the police have been giving them every detail of the investigation which they promptly leak to the media every chance it benefits them.

Young said she and Kaine Horman receive regular briefings on the search, either every week or every two weeks.
In contrast, Yashanee Vaughn's parents have not been able to get very much information from law enforcement about rheir missing daughter (note Oregonlive is careful to not mention if Yashanee Vaughn's disappearance is being investigated by Portland police or Multnomah County Sheriff department) :


Frustrated by lack of information from police and the initial handling of the case as a runaway, the family charts what it has learned:
So is this because the Portland / Multnomah County Sheriff's departments are racist and not sharing information with Yashanee's parents or has Kaine Horman and Desiree Horman Young been lying about getting information and regular briefings on Kyron's disappearance?

Also the searches.  The news coverage of Kyron Horman's searches the searchers are wandering around and look like they are just killing time with an occasional pose for pictures.   The searchers searching forYashanee are shown actually searching and in grid searches that was not done for Kyron Horman.

Kyron Horman non-search
Yashawnee Vaughn grid search
 Another contrast is that Kaine Horman and Desiree Horman Young refused to search for their own son because they were "afraid of getting lost" and "the police would not let them" because of fear of "destroying evidence"  This for searching for their child who "no evidence exists he is not alive" yet Yashawnee Vaughn's friends and family were out searching even when it is assumed (and an arrest made) she has been murdered.

PORTLAND, OREGON - April 2, 2011 - Family, friends and volunteers gathered at Powell Park to sign up to help with a ground search for Yashawnee Vaughn Saturday morning. After registering, the teams received instructions of what to look for and what to do it they found something suspicious .
While police continued their search of Rocky Butte on Saturday for the remains of Yashawnee Vaughn, the girl’s family and friends took to streets, parks and woods in their own search.

Supporters of the 14-year-old girl, who police say was killed the day she disappeared on March 19 but whose remains have not been found, gathered at Powell Park in Southeast Portland. 
 Once again, the Kyron Horman case is full of inconsistencies and does not seem to be a real case.  It appears to be a divorce case / parental kidnapping (or murder by Kaine or Desiree)  Normal families search for their missing children not hold fund raisers and begging others to search for their child when they refuse to do so.  The Kyron Horman case is too well (okay - not so well) scripted.

So either the Portland Police and Multnomah County Sheriff department is full of racists and giving preferential treatment to Kyron Horman's parents or Kaine Horman and Desiree Horman Young have been lying to the media about everything they have said regarding Kyron Horman.  I expect the latter.

When will we get some real answers to what is happening in the search (or non-search) of Kyron Horman?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Repeat of January - I told you so

Kaine and Terri Horman's divorce hearing was postponed in spite of all the efforts of law enforcement searching "with new information" and in spite of the nazi terrorist bullying campaign by Desiree Horman Young and her mentally unstable sock puppets trying to place pressure on Terri Horman before the divorce hearing that was scheduled for this past week.

As I stated on january 3, 2011, the divorce hearing would be continually postponed until Kyron is found - and Kaine would not reappear Kyron until after his divorce was final.  I stated in january this was a stalemate:

January 3, 2011
(yawn) Kaine and Terri Horman's divorce hearing postponed. Watch for "Breaking News" Sauvie Island searches towards the end of the month 
I'm guessing Kaine Horman will not reappear Kyron until after the divorce but the judge will hold the divorce off until Kyron is found or Terri Horman is totally cleared.  Sounds like stalemate                    (Added: and Kyron is a pawn in all this)

The searches are getting predictable:  They will take place if they need more money or if they want to draw attention for the divorce hearing.  None seem to be legitimate searches and all are designed to manipulate (they do not search any other time even when the weather is good)
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